Digital Fluency

Whether you work in a traditional office or are part of a remote team, there's no doubt that digital fluency is becoming increasingly important.
This corporate training course on digital fluency contains self-paced and mobile-friendly lessons your employees can access at any time. These resources have been designed by professionals who strive to make the concepts easy to understand regardless of learners' digital knowledge or backgrounds.
The course covers a range of topics, from the basics of using email and the internet to more advanced concepts like social media marketing and web design.
By the end of the course, your employees will have a much better understanding of how to use digital tools to their advantage.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Fluency
  • Introduction Video
  • What is Digital Literacy?
  • Digital Literacy
  • Quiz 1- Digital Literacy
  • Digital Fluency
  • Quiz 2- What is Digital Fluency?
  • Digital Proficiency
  • Quiz 3 - Strategies for Gaining Digital Proficiency
  • Chapter 1 Exam
  • Chapter 2: Hardware & Cloud Technologies
  • Portable Media Player- Video
  • The Evolution of Portable Media Devices and Cell Phone Technology
  • Evolution of the Mobile Phones
  • Smartphones, Tablets and Laptops: Advancement and Uses
  • What is the Cloud - Video
  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • What is Cloud Storage?
  • Cloud Services: Types and Examples
  • Cloud Technologies: Safety and Security
  • Chapter 3: Online Productivity & Collaboration Tools
  • What are databases
  • What are Collaboration Tools?
  • Collaboration Tools for Virtual Teams
  • What Is Video Conferencing Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Video Conferencing For Virtual Teams
  • Tools for Delivering Online Presentations
  • Chapter 4: Social Media Responsibility & Risks
  • Introduction To Cookies
  • Social Media Responsibility & Etiquette
  • Inappropriate Social Media Use for Professionals
  • Managing a Professional Social Media Feed
  • Social Media Customer Service Overview
  • Social Media Threats, Risks and Security
  • How to Stay Safe on Social Media
  • Chapter 5: Digital Communication Etiquette
  • Chapter 6: Managing your Online Footprint
  • Digital Footprint- Definition & Facts
  • Creating a Personal Website for Professional Purposes
  • Using an Online Presence for Personal Branding
  • How to Repair a Damaged Reputation & Personal Brand
  • Chapter 7: Internet Safety & Privacy
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed